Legbar – Cream Legbar

The Cream Legbar is an old, now very rare in its true form, pure breed. They originated as a cross between Brown Leghorns and Barred Rock with a bit of Araucana blood in them, shown in the crest and the blue eggs they lay.


Legbars are an auto-sexing breed developed in Britain. We have the cream variety here which is crested and lays blue/green eggs. It is a designated ‘rare breed’

The Cream Legbar is an old, now very rare in its true form, pure breed – not like some of the commercial birds being used to produce multicoloured eggs for the supermarket trade.

The Cream Legbar originated as a cross between Brown Leghorns and Barred Rock with a bit of Araucana blood in them, shown in the crest and the blue eggs they lay. Other Legbars are the gold and
silver. A firm and muscular bird with an alert and perky carriage, a wedge shaped body, broad at the shoulders tapering to the rear. A long flat back, prominent breast with straight keel, the wings are large carried close to the body. The tail is held at 45° from the line of the back and is moderately furnished.

The head is fine with a strong beak and large single comb, straight and erect, five to seven even spikes with broad bases. Smooth face, well developed pendant ear-lobes, long and thin wattles. Long well feathered neck. Strong clean and round shanks.

Male – Cream slightly barred neck hackles, saddle hackles cream barred with dark grey tipped with cream. Back and shoulders cream, barred dark grey. The wings have dark grey barred primaries and
secondaries, grey barred coverts with cream tips. The breast is barred dark grey as is the tail but with paler sickles some white is allowed. The crest is cream and grey.

Female – Neck hackles cream with soft grey barring. Salmon coloured breast, silver-grey body with broad indistinct barring. Wings, primaries peppered grey, secondaries lightly barred, coverts silver grey as is the tail with light barring

Additional information

Chicken Type

Large Fowl

Egg Colour
