Chicken breeds for a colourful egg basket
Chicken breeds to get for a colourful egg basket ranging from pastel blues and greens, to chocolate brown and white.
Chicken breeds to get for a colourful egg basket ranging from pastel blues and greens, to chocolate brown and white.
I thought I would explain and illustrate the different types of feather markings. This is useful if you are new to keeping or…
Have you ever thought about keeping ducks for either the pleasure or amusement of having them running around the garden or even just…
Russian Orloffe If you are interested in keeping a breed that is full of history then look no further than the Russian Orloffe….
Araucanas are a rare breed of chicken originally from Chile that lay blue/green eggs, with the colour permeating throughout the shell. They have head feathers that look like earmuffs.
I have recently been involved in an intriguing discussion regarding the types of comb that are allowed within different breeds. The debate centred around the question. “How many breeds are standardised in this country to be exhibited with more than one type of comb?